2023 will mark the fifth year of The Bengal’s Pride Awards, dedicated to celebrating the achievements of the Bengali ethnic community from India and Bangladesh. The community has been for decades, contributing to growth not just across South Asia but right across the globe. This is nowhere more evident than in United Kingdom, where the nearly half a million Bengalis live, thrive and excel in every sphere of life.
Draw up a list of the greatest academics and professors in UK, the greatest doctors, the greatest artistes across the nation or some of the most successful media personalities, chances are your list will include several names from the Bengali community.
The 5th Bengal Pride Awards 2023, will bring together the West Bengal and East Bengal, on one platform, to celebrate the global success of Bengalis. The prestigious awards will be presented at the Houses of Commons on 19 October 2023.
Extremely successful restauranteurs, entrepreneurs across sectors and commercial establishments run by Bengalis have for long enriched the diverse tapestry of UK. The community has also been greatly contributing back to this land of opportunity. Leading social workers, not-for-profit and charitable organisations and politicians across party lines hail from this extremely dynamic and diverse community.

As the global Bengali community grows, numerous Bengalis have made significant contributions to every professional area, including healthcare, banking, politics, education, arts among others. Even though Bengalis thrive in a broad range of businesses throughout the world, there is no global platform that recognises all of their efforts and accomplishments. The Bengal’s Pride Awards strive to accomplish just that to honour and recognize Bengalis from all over the world for their worldwide achievements and contributions. Since 2019, The Bengal’s Pride Awards has offered a forum to recognise Bengalis and their efforts, and they hope to develop platforms similar to the Nobel Prize and the Grammy for the Bengalis in the Bengali community.
The 5th Bengal Pride Awards 2023, will bring together the West Bengal and East Bengal, on one platform, to celebrate the global success of Bengalis. The prestigious awards will be presented at the Houses of Commons on 19 October 2023.
If you know of anyone in the Bengali community who has achieved success and should be recognized for their contributions in business, profession, or community service, please nominate them at www.thebengalsprideawards.com by 7 October 2023.