The West Australian Government hopes to attract up to 5,000 onshore skilled migrants from interstate, for which the work has already started.
Western Australian Government is requesting an additional 5,000 onshore places from the Commonwealth Government under the State Nominated Migration Program.
“The addition of 134 occupations to the program last month prompted thousands of expressions of interest from skilled onshore migrants who are living interstate to secure work in WA,” said the WA Government.
The McGowan Labor Government says it is taking swift action to progress ideas identified in partnership with Western Australian industry leaders at last Friday’s Skills Summit.
The ideas include:
· New post-summit initiatives to support Western Australia’s skilled worker needs
· 100 places for local mature-age apprentices brought forward
· Work underway to attract up to 5,000 onshore skilled migrants from interstate to WA
· State Government’s multibillion-dollar infrastructure program will be reviewed with a view to smoothing pipeline of work to ease workforce pressures
· Targeted advertising campaign to attract interstate and New Zealand skilled workers and increase participation of under-represented groups in WA
· Boost to Aboriginal youth employment opportunities and enhanced support for job seekers to obtain driver’s licences
· Regional Skills Summits set to take place throughout WA
The State Government today announced more priority initiatives to attract and retain skilled workers in Western Australia “as part of its continuing work with industry and training providers to address the State’s skilled worker needs.”
The Government said in a statement, “These key initiatives are immediate actions the State Government will take to bolster the State’s workforce, while work is undertaken to convert concepts from the summit into additional initiatives.”
Read: NSW opens visa program for applicants from all states
“Following the huge success of the Jobs and Skills WA Adult Apprentice Employer Incentive – which has seen it reach its 100-place cap in just over two weeks – the State Government has brought forward the next 100 places from 2022-23. This ensures employers will immediately be eligible for the adult apprentice financial incentive – up to $26,800,” reads the statement.
WA will run an advertising campaign to attract interstate and New Zealand workers “and increase participation of under-represented groups in WA”.
Premier Mark McGowan said, “The Skills Summit was a valuable opportunity for Government and industry to work together to address immediate workforce challenges to support our thriving economy – while enhancing our ongoing commitment to local training and local jobs.
“We have come away from the Skills Summit with a range of tangible solutions, and we are getting straight to work on implementing them.
“Our economy is strong, and together we have defied the economic turmoil seen throughout much of the world. We will continue to be agile and responsive to industry’s needs as we address our workforce challenges and deliver continued strong results for the WA economy.”
NRI Affairs News Desk
Image by Sam Curry from Pixabay
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