A New South Wales Greens Member of Parliament has questioned the nomination of the Hindu Council of Australia or the NSW Faith Council. In a series of ‘questions on notice’, Abigail Boyd, Member of Legislative Council asked the NSW Treasurer, representing the Minister for Small Business, Minister for Lands and Property, Minister for Multiculturalism, and Minister for Sport, if he had been “made aware of evidence that the Hindu Council of Australia has engaged in acts of religious vilification, caste discrimination and social discord?”.
In November 2022, the NSW Government announced the first 19 members of the newly formed NSW Faith Affairs Council. According to the announcement, “the Council has been established as a consultative mechanism to provide advice on priorities and emerging trends, the impacts of government policy on faith communities, and enhancing community harmony, security and well-being.”
“Representatives from Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh and Jewish communities will sit alongside representatives from the main Christian denominations in driving the work of the council.”, the announcement said, adding, “Representatives were selected on their ability to not only represent this respective religious communities but on their commitment to inter-faith cooperation and inclusion.”
Mr Surinder Jain from The Hindu Council of Australia represents the Hindu faith on the body. Mr Jain has also been nominated as the co-chair.
According to Ms Boyd, Periyar Ambedkar Thoughts Circle of Australia (PATCA) had written to Multicultural NSW, documenting alleged incidents of religious vilification, caste discrimination and social discord?
“Are you aware that the activities that the Hindu Council of Australia is alleged to have participated in would contravene the essential criteria for nomination to the NSW Faith Council (listed on NSW Government website) and violate the Multicultural Principles of the Multicultural NSW Act 2000?”, Ms Boyd asked, adding, “What were your reasons for nominating the Hindu Council of Australia for the NSW Faith Council over other Hindu organisations?”
Anothere question inquired if the minister was “aware that community leaders are concerned that if action is not taken to require the Hindu Council of Australia to curtail their alleged vilification and discriminatory activities, it might embolden them to persist in ongoing vilification of Sikh and Muslim communities, perpetuate caste discrimination and contribute to targeted hate crimes?”
The questions were asked on 13 December just before the state parliament closed for the summer break. Answers from the Minister are due on 17 january 2024.