Victoria has closed its skilled visa program for 2021-22 from Friday 29 April 2022. The state has published a review of its program.
The state has published an update on its skilled nominated visa program. As on 30 April 2022, Victoria has filled 3,898 places out of the total allocated 4,250 places for visa subclass 190 and 491. “3,500 places have been allocated to Victoria. As at 30 April 2022, for the 2021-22 program, 13,386 ROIs have been received, and 3,204 applications have been submitted for Victorian visa nomination,” the review said.
“750 places have been allocated to Victoria. As at 30 April 2022, for the 2021-22 program, 2,100 ROIs have been received, and 694 applications have been submitted for Victorian visa nomination,” it added.

For Subclass 190, the highest number of ROIs were received in the health sector (4925), while only 94 ROIs were received in the Creative Industries. Subclass 491 followed a similar trend with the highest 545 ROIs received in the health sector while only 10 in the Creative Industries.
For the period 1 July 2021 to 30 April 2022, 88% of all nominated skilled visa applicants held an Australian qualification. In addition, 3% of all nominated applicants held a PhD, of which more than 76% were from Australian universities. “These numbers demonstrate that Australian qualified migrants are well regarded by Victorian employers and are able to meet other eligibility requirements for Victorian nomination,” reads the review.
The 2022-23 Victorian Skilled Migration Program is scheduled to open to new Registration of Interest (ROI) in the second half of 2022.
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